I love mornings. I eat my two-oranges genetically-modified-portions and slowly slurp the kuofi (Australian for coffee) from the 5th
anniversary flask token. I check my usual websites. Social networks, just to
start the engine; Margaret Zhang for inspiration, the New Yorker or the
NY-foodie blog lover, to cover for my NY-nostalgia altogether. I might play some
classic music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPnkrvtuiMQ).
I might find out more about those actors that I might have watched the night
before. I might want to learn more about a new skill. Let it be conducting. Let
it be a new recipe that I will end up never cooking. Let it be a picture that
will then take me to a sketch.
And among this list, today I was on a whim to create an
extra list with the “Things that I wish to be doing when I finish this agony”.
And you can find it below.
1. Read the new Murakami’s. Give a chance to the Canadian Alice Munro.
2. Write a piece of fiction. It can be short. It can be none sense. It can be crap. But write.
3. Pay to watch an orchestra playing live. Attend to the conductor’s moves.
4. Wake up and do some stretching, at least for 5 days in a row.
5. Buy the most expensive sushi box in the shop. Call it Kokoro.
6. Eat miso soup as many times as I feel like it.
7. Pay for Udon. Invite him.
8. Take my dad to a Guitar heaven and buy him a Stratocaster. Or buy it and make a big entrance whilst playing it. Haven’t decided on which one yet.
9. Pack my brother’s suitcase and take him to Lansdowne. Show him the new park at the Level. Show him how to cook, and bake. Teach myself first.
10. Prepare at least ONE dish from my Japanese cooking book.
11. Bake a tray full of cookies.
12. Buy an expensive suit. Preferably brown. And with a pattern inside the blazer.
13. Travel to a far-away-place. Kyoto, is my preferable but it may as well be a sandy beach. Philippines. Malaysia. Vietnam. Fine, let’s sign for Vietnam.
14. Print out my papers, which they will be soon published, just in terms to motivate myself to continue this none sense writing. Show them to my mum. Even if she hasn’t the foggiest what does it mean. Nor do I either.
15. Finish the writing course and draw a short story for kids. The yogurt club, did I name it.
16. Perhaps upload some of my drawings to that personal website that I never got around to start.
17. Learn to play at least one short song in the piano.
18. Contact the pianist and do language and music swap.
19. Take one book from the Library’s Classics section.
20. Shake off the dust from the skates and ride along the seafront.
21. The creepiest one has to be the last one. Do a 45-min pilates session. Record it. And do it again, eventually!
But first I must go to the
library. Try to sell my story. Short stories are far more compelling than long,
complicated ones. No one likes to read the bible. Let me drop it in size and be
proud of this last one. And we can call it a day.
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